Tuesday, December 31, 2019

5 Things You Can Do in the Next Year to Get Promoted

5 Things You Can Do in the Next Year to Get Promoted5 Things You Can Do in the Next Year to Get Promoted 2019 is fast approaching. At this time, it might be a good idea to start reviewing your career goals for the next year to see where youre at. Did you meet your goals? If notlage, how far behind are you?As we get ready to enter into 2019, it might be a good idea to start mapping out measures you can take to give yourself a career boost in 2019. The following five actions will position you to have a mora successful career in 2019One of the most effective ways to position yourself for better career opportunities in 2019 is by attending relevant conferences and events in your industry. Many organizations make provisions for interested employees to attend industry conferences to represent them or simply as a way to educate them. If you have been shying away from these conferences in the past, youve been hurting your career prospects, says Dan Fox, founder of Boss Las er . By attending relevant conferences, you can massively increase your network (you suddenly know, and are known by, a lot of people who are relevant to your industry), you can build your skills and experience and you will also get exposed to more opportunities from a diverse group of people compared to if you were simply on your own. By attending conferences, you will also have up-to-date information about industry best practices, news and resources that can aid your career growth.Another way to give yourself a career boost in 2019 is by getting an advanced degree. If youre yet to obtain a Masters degree, it might be a good idea to start making plans for it now. This is because most jobs have provisions that allow you to experience an increase in compensation if you get an advanced degree. Some companies even require those in senior management and professional positions to possess an advanced degree. Having an advanced degree also increases your career prospects, because the num ber of entry-level jobs requiring advanced degrees like a Masters degree is increasing.An advanced degree can help you secure that elusive promotion youve always desired, says Ayodeji Onibalusi of Effective Inbound Marketing . A doctorate or masters degree would also boost your confidence and help you secure better job opportunities when you start looking for a new job.As we get ready to enter into 2019, one of the questions you should ask yourself is where you stand in terms of your relationships with your co-workers and your superiors . Do you have a good relationship with them, or do you believe its simply sufficient to focus on work and get things done and still move forward in corporate circles? If you dont have a good relationship with coworkers and superiors, it could come back to bite you. In fact, according to experts , it is very difficult, and almost impossible, to advance at work without a good relationship with co-workers and superiors. If youve not been getting al ong well with some of your peers at work, it might be a good idea to start fixing things now .Many employees restrict their career growth by making little information publicly available about themselves - often unknowingly. A lot of employees have not updated their resume in years, and as a result their resume is not indicative of their current experience and skill set . Similarly, many employees have a LinkedIn profile, and other relevant career-related online profiles, with scant information about them. When you consider that many major organizations regularly scan LinkedIn and other relevant social media sites to determine which employees to hire, and that 92 percent of recruiters use social media to find high-quality candidates, it becomes instantly apparent how limiting not having an updated profile can be.It might be a good idea to create a schedule for updating your resume and relevant social media profiles to be indicative of your experience, says Jonathan Marshall of Middlesex County Criminal Law . This can be done every quarter, for example. You want to include every relevant information including awards, leadership capacities youve acted in and conferences youve attended, he says.If youre wondering if dressing has anything to do with your career prospects, well its time to sit tight and take note - because how you dress can literally affect your career prospects and opportunities. An OfficeTeam survey found that 80 percent of executives say that how an employee dresses will affect the employees chances of being promoted. Other studies have also found a link between dressing and perceived confidence as well as career opportunities. If you want to be taken more seriously, and do not want to be denied your rightful career opportunities, it might be a good idea to upgrade your wardrobe.Yasir Khan is a renowned online marketing consultant and has been in business since 2008. He owns Quantum SEO Labs and loves sharing tips on various aspect s of marketing, conversions and real estate.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

5 Ground Rules for Workplace Friendships

5 Ground Rules for Workplace Friendships5 Ground Rules for Workplace FriendshipsDespite the direct link between social interaction and positive effects on our well being, the stigmas and concern traditionally surrounding personal relationships at work can make navigating friendships in the professional sphere a bit confusing. Although uncomfortable, this juxtaposition makes sense. Just as companies want to encourage productivity and success, they also rightly want to prevent inappropriate behavior. Harassment, favoritism, abuse of authority, and conflicts of interest are examples of downsides that can stem from close social rapport between coworkers. In an age where people are driven both by career and personal well being, striking a healthy balance in relationships at work has never been more essential. In fact, the one factor that leading scientists and psychologists agree on is that social relationships represent the most accurate predictor of overall happiness. Ground Rules fo r Workplace Friendships Workplace friendships pose challenges that private, social interactions do not experience. You have to strike a balance between your personal needs and the needs of the workplace for harmony and contribution. Here are five ground rules that give you guidance for handhabung workplace friendships. Manage Your Boundaries Although research shows that even minor chit-chat with coworkers can lead to significant gains in productivity, no one can afford to spend all day shooting the breeze. Its important to recognize when social interaction with friends turns into a distraction, ultimately derailing your ability to accomplish your goals. Setting aside time to connect during a break or lunch can help your schedule fall in line while at the same time nourishing your innate need for social interaction. If friendships cross hierarchies, its also important to recognize the optics of that relationship. You need to manage boundaries appropriately so as not to appear to be leveraging relationships unfairly or creating an environment of favoritism. Leaders especially need to understand that overly familiar relationships can damage their credibility and actually undermine their long-term success. Include Non-Friends in Work Projects Its completely natural to want to collaborate with friends when youre working on any kind of team assignment. On the other hand, its also just as important to put heads together with other people outside of your immediate circle. This helps to avoid the same group think and open your fantasie to approaches outside of your typical sphere of influence. Its okay - and even productive - to join forces with friends just make sure that youre including other colleagues, too. Avoid Office Gossip One of the main concerns employees worry about when it comes to witnessing a close relationship between other coworkers is hearsay. Your coworkers might wonder if you are talking behind peoples backs. Especially in the case of a manager-employee relationship, they worry that you are swapping tidbits you shouldnt share. Even if it just looks like you are spreading rumors or laughing at coworkers, for example, it can make people nervous and can negatively impact your credibility. If you sense a conversation with your friend starting to turn negative, try to keep things on track or suggest connecting outside of work hours. Treat Every Member of Your Team Equally The best way to avoid bias - or even perceived bias - is to intentionally treat each team member with equal care, consideration, and respect. Make sure you truly listen to coworkers, and not just friends, when they bring up ideas or share information. Its incredibly crucial to make each individual feel valued by giving them the attention they need. As a leader, you might also want to consider whether you should even have a close friend on your direct team. It might create an impression that will add additional barriers to the contributions and prod uctivity of the rest of the team. If you do have a close friend on your team, be careful to avoid any special treatment of that person so as to ensure equal airtime for all team members. Identify Your Relationship Needs It may seem foreign or unnecessary, but understanding what you need from the people in your organization can help clarify your own role and how you can thrive in it. Youll feel better prepared when a question comes up. Youll feel more secure knowing that you have a network of peoplewhom you can rely on for help with specific issues. You may even improve the quality of your own resource value when colleagues need help. Awareness of your needs gives way to insightful understanding, which in turn leads to effective action. At their core, organizations are simply a network of people. The better balanced the relationships between those people become, the better the organization functions. Workplace friendships can clearly be healthy and everyone in your organization i s responsible for doing their part to ensure contentment remains high.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Basic Rules for Applying for a Part-Time Job

Basic Rules for Applying for a Part-Time JobBasic Rules for Applying for a Part-Time JobMany employers find it more convenient to hire parte-time rather than full-time workers, and many employees appreciate the flexibility that a part-time work schedule offers them. What Is Part-Time Work? Part-time work generally refers to scheduling, elend the scope or duties of the job. Many retail or warehouse positions are part-time, but these jobs make up just a portion of all part-time jobs. Just about any job can be done on a part-time schedule, including high-level or professional positions. There are part-time marketing directors, accountants, attorneys, truck drivers, nonprofit leaders, nurses, teachers, production line workers, software programmers, lobbyists, carpenters, sales representatives, and more. Defining your work goals is important because part-time positions may not be advertised. Determine what kind of work you want to do and then identify the companies that could likely u se your services. You may need to reach out directly to employers who may not be advertising for part-time help. Be prepared toexplain to the prospective employer why you want a part-time work schedule You might have other responsibilities (such as school or caretaking), or you need to ramp down from a full-time schedule. Basic Rules for Applying The application process for part-time work may be slightly different than for full-time work youll often fill out the application in person on the spot. You should dress in neat and tidy clothes.Business casual is usually appropriate. For example, khakis and a neat polo shirt would work well. No jeans or shorts, tank tops, crop tops, or anything, especially low-cut (shirt or pants) or short (skirt). Muffin top jeans or khakis, with your belly showing, should also be on your list of what not to wear when applying for a part-time job. Make sure your hair and fingernails are well groomed. Extreme hairstyles or colors arent going to help yo u get a job.Wear moderate shoes, not spiked heels, platforms, flip flops, or dirty oldsneakers.If you have multiple piercings, you might want to consider removing some of them while you are job searching. Information You Need to Fill Out an Application Print out asample job applicationso that you know what information youll need to know while applying for a job. If you have a resume, bring copies with you. Here is a list of potential application questions Schools and dates attendedNames and addresses of previous employers, if you have worked beforeDates of previous employmentReferences (can be neighbors or teachers)Resume (if you have one) Although you should probably be clear from the beginning that youre seeking a partial work schedule, its not necessary to specify the hours you want to work. You can leave that to the negotiation stage, once you and the manager have determined that youre interested in each other. Speaking of negotiation, you shouldnt assume that you wont recei ve benefits if you work part-time. Some companies do offer full benefits to part-time workers, while others pro-rate their packages according to the hours worked. If benefits are important to you, take the time to identify which ones you care about most. And if you dont need, or cant get, benefits from your part-time employer, try to compensate by negotiating a pay increase. Be prepared for a brief on-the-spot interview. Practice answering sample questions with a friend or family member dont memorize potential responses, but certainly, be ready with some answers. Part-time work is a vital part of any economy, and you may become a vital part of your potential employers operations. Prepare as much as you can for your application and interview.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

4 Surprising Career Skills for Accounting Jobs

4 Surprising Career Skills for Accounting Jobs4 Surprising Career Skills for Accounting JobsAccounting professionals dont just have career skills that involve spreadsheets. Sure, whether youre working in a traditional accounting position in a tax company, payroll department or auditing firm, or exploring a less common career path, you can rest assured that companies will always need their books balanced, accounts tracked, taxes paid and finances professionally handled.But its not all number-crunching at accounting jobs. Aside from the in-demand accounting skills, such as Excel, cloud-based software, and risk and compliance, you should soften up with some non-accounting abilities.Here are four surprising career skills that accounting professionals need to be successful1. Big picture business acumenNow more than ever, accountants must understand how their numbers figure into the big picture of a companys operations and objectives. Data can provide support for important decisions and te ll which plans are working and which are not. An accountant who can find and vokalist that data will be a valued consultant for those decisions and plans.2. Communication and storytellingIts important to keep your debits and credits straight, but unless you can clearly and concisely explain how they work to other departments - not to mention why they should care - you may not get very far.The numbers on a ledger tell a story. Telling that story to non-accountants is a lot like translating it into another language. You are the interpreter, whose job is to make sure all the important information is included in the translated story. Communication and storytelling skills will make an accountant valuable to every other department in the company.3. Written communication skillsWhen you arent talking through accounting matters with other departments, you will likely be writing those points for them. Whether in a memo, financial report, proposal or plan, the ability to write clearly and co ncisely, with a good command of the language, will be helpful for any accountant. Make sure your writing is well-thought-out and straightforward. Dont forget to proofread. Dont skimp on writing just because you may not be used to it, either. The more you practice it, the better you will get and the more valuable you will be.4. Customer service and collaborationMany accountants work directly with clients and customers. Boost your customer service skills by active listening to others. Being a proactive problem-solver who displays tact and diplomacy as well as adaptability and enthusiasm will help you build a solid reputation and advance your career.As a bonus, these skills will help you collaborate well with your colleagues, too.SUBSCRIBE TO ur NEWSLETTER

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Now Is the Time to Plan Your Career Strategy for the New Year

Now Is the Time to Plan Your Career Strategy for the New Year Now Is the Time to Plan Your Career Strategy for the New Year Yes, I hate it, too, when people mention Christmas in November. Letsat least wait until DecemberThat said, its never too early to start thinking about the new year when it comes to your career. In fact, theres never a bad time to be thinking aboutyour career.Lets be honest Most people invest mora time in planning their annual two-week holiday than they do in planning their career.So, before you shoot the messenger and point out that Im contradicting myself, know that now isthe time to plan for your career in the new year and here are two really great reasons why1. Its Time to Reframe Your State of MindRemember Planning your career is not a chore. It is all about you Strategizing for your successful future is something you should be extremely excited about As Winston Churchill once said, He who fails to plan is planning to fail.However, I wont deny that becaus e its all about you, it is a little scary. Were all pretty good at giving others advice, but when it comes down to our own futures, we tend to make things more complicated than they need to be. We are all struck by the same thought What if I plan something wrong or do something wrong?The thing is, you actually cant fail. Well, you can fail, but only when you stick your head in the sand and pretend this stuff does not matter. If you go down the wrong path, thats fine. Its a learning curve. You can always correct yourself. So stop making this complicated and just do it Making those wrong turns will get you where you need to beSo, a few questions to ask yourself as you begin planning What do you want? Which company do you want to work for? What salary are you looking for?Do you have the relevant experience and qualifications to earn it?If youre stuck on some of these questions, you may just need a little more guidance and someone to point you in the right direction. A career coach migh t bea great investment when youre thinking about your long-term choices2.Schedule Your Future or It May Never HappenMost people like the idea of planning a successful future, but when it actually comes down to finding the time to do it well, thats quite another thing The only way to plan properly is to schedule some time into your busy dayto ensure that it actually happens.Yes, I know I might be stating the obvious, but guess what? Most people talk a good talk but never get around to actually taking any action. If you keep thinking about something and never get around to doing it, that something will weigh on your mind. It willalways be there just as youre trying to get to sleep at night sitting somewhere in your subconscious and eating away at you. So, instead, just schedule it in and make it happen.If youre not too sure where to start, or it all feels rather overwhelming, just break your planning down into bite-sized chunks. Its better to do something even if its something sma ll than it is to do nothing at all. Once you start, it gets easier. Youll be able to get some momentum going and work your planning sessions regularly into your daily routine.So, schedule some time into your calendar right now,because it may never happen otherwiseTo SummarizeIf you desperately want to get a new job, now is the perfect time to plan out what you need to do and the things that you need to consider. In addition toaddressing the questions I posedabove, you may want to revamp your resume and spruce up your LinkedIn profile. Just remember that the higher the salary youre looking for and the more senior the job, the better these documents need to be if you wantto differentiate yourself from the competition.If you are aiming for these more senior positions, it is better not togo it alone. While youre trying to figure out what works through trial and error, great opportunities could be passing you by. Many people dont realize they are suffering from what I call CV shame. Che ck out the video below to learn moreOn a final note, planning can be fun to do. It doesnt all need to be hard workMany of you will know that I recently moved from London to Spain. Every morning, I like to set up career strategy sessions at my local cafe. As you can see, its a beautiful place to workIregularly spend time charting out the things I need to make happen (both personally and professionally). Itis not something that can be completed annually or every once in a while. I revisit my strategy regularly totweak and amend where necessary. Life throws us plenty ofcurveballs, and we have to be ready for themGet Noticed, Get Hired.Susan Burke is an award-winning global careers coach. You can connect with Susan viaLinkedInandgrab a complimentary copy of her bookdirect from her website.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Top Pdf Builder Guide!

Top Pdf Builder Guide The Foolproof Pdf Builder Strategy On the flip side, the fillable PDF is going to be shown in your browser, but you wont have the ability to fill it out. Click Add Files and choose the files that you want to merge. musiknote that you could only add a single file utilizing this system, since the file is added to the conclusion of the open file. In this manner, you can be certain you never lose important files.3D Builder is an app that enables you to construct or import files to be utilized in 3D printing. Operating with the computer software is simple and convenient. It is easy to operate. It is easy to operate even though you have not ever used it. Pdf Builder for Dummies The data also needs to be collected and compiled into some practical fasson. The email infrastructure is famous and already exists for a lot of computer users. Speak to the licencing body in your region to receive all the info you have to take the next step. Together with the sampl es are a few of ingestaltation about net worth statement that you have to know. The returned form data also must be managed. If it works, email submission is quite an easy and intuitive method to deal with form data. Doculicious will automatically create an internet form you are able to embed on your website. It is possible to also move a whole document over by dragging the document icon rather than the page thumbnail. The Tried and True Method for Pdf Builder in Step by Step Detail So its time to repair that. God is always the exact same, thus we can trust in Him. Youve got to try things to find out what works. It is essential that they can fit the job of Christ on the cross in their comprehension of forgiveness and sin. The change order is produced by the project manager. The change in the work also alters not just the amount f work that needs to be done but also the time period where the work needs to be completed. When you take part in a project with several men and wom en, there will be a number of documents that are submitted from other sources. The good thing is an online resume maker gets you a professionally formatted resume in almost no time, which means that you may take the very first step toward a better paycheck faster. Most form builders attempt to stop spam with the addition of captchas to their forms. In addition, there are built-in collaboration tools, where you are able to invite different folks to produce edits to your scans. Based on what you would like to do, different kinds of installs are suggested. To go further, you will have to learn about these technologies and tools. Portable es-Builder application welches created to allow users to construct information structure to fit their requirements. It is possible to import images you find online, or construct the print from inside the app utilizing the several tools made available to you. The app also permits users to create up to ten pages to accommodate long drawings. The Flowdia Diagrams app enables users to create many kinds of diagrams. A Secret Weapon for Pdf Builder PDF documents may also be merged. JotForm is now not only the best internet form creator, but nonetheless, it now permits you to create fillable PDFs also. PDF Combine is a completely free program intended to help users combine at least two PDF files with each other to create a single file. After the PDF was created they have many post-operations to select from.Modern PDF Maker contains a digital PDF print. Things become easier since you dont will need to draw shapes. PDF on-line PDF Online is a simple and fast PDF maker to convert files of distinct types into the PDF format. Becoming in a position to create a PDF. You are able to also use exactly the same calculator to compute the the net of someone else. Tracking all your private property floaters is important so that you are able to determine which ones want to a policy rider. nachrichtensendung trading is potentiall y among the most lucrative plus predictable tactics to extract funds from the market. The Pain of Pdf Builder Practice the steps below for the kind of file youre attempting to merge. Another way around is to use the Order Template samples to direct you in making your own order form. The form can be posted on the internet or emailed out at a subsequent moment. All you have to do is open the app and point your camera at what you need to scan.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Evening of Networking with the Women Sales Leaders at Slack

Evening of Networking with the Women Sales Leaders at Slack If you are interested in attending the event, please email us at hipowertofly.com for an invitation. PowerToFly is thrilled to be partnering with Slack for an invite-only evening featuring their women leaders in sales, customer success, and solutions engineering. There will be a panel discussion and audience QA, and plenty of time to network with the Slack kollektiv and your peers over food and drinks as well The event will be held on Tuesday, December 11th from 6pm to 9pm at Slacks SF HQ, located at 500 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA. Slack is a collaboration hub for teamwork that keeps key information right at your fingertips. Today, it boasts over 8 million daily active users across more than 500,000 organizations. An impressive 65% of the companies in the Fortune 100 are now Slack customers. With 1,000 employees and counting, Slack has been investing in inclusion and diversity since Day One.Agenda (Subject to Change)60 0pm - Check-In and Networking over Drinks and Light Food620pm - Event Kickoff with PowerToFly625pm - Welcome Introduction by Kylie Maddex, Large Enterprise Account Executive at Slack645pm - Panel Discussion featuring from SlackMaggie Hott, Manager, Mid-Market SalesRenu Gupta, Large Enterprise Sales LeaderKelly Bray, Director, Customer Success Programs Retention StrategyCraig Nile, Head of Enterprise Sales, North America705pm - Audience QA725pm - Closing Remarks730pm - Networking Continues over Drinks and Light FoodSlack is hiring Their offer full health coverage, generous parental leave, a $150 month fitness and wellness reimbursement, and $2,000 annually for professional development. That said, if youre not looking for new opportunities but would like to attend the event to network with your peers, thats great too.About our Events All attendees who RSVP are welcome, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, or age. If you require accommodation to fully participate in this event, please email hipowertofly.com, and we will contact you to discuss your specific needs.Unfortunately, PowerToFly and Slack cannot admit outside recruiters to this particular event. Please email hipowertofly.com if you have any questions about this policy.Related Articles Around the Web Slack Technologies, Inc. Aki Merced

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Vote Against Talking Politics in the Workplace

Vote Against Talking Politics in the WorkplaceVote Against Talking Politics in the WorkplaceMore often than not, talking politics in the workplace doesnt end with high-fives and likes. Its far more likely to generate ill will and productivity problems.Sure, you have a right to your own opinion, and free speech is protected by the First Amendment. But if youre interviewing for a new job or working in an office, its not the same as debating political issues with neighbors or sharing your views about a politicians tweet with like-minded friends online.According to a survey by Robert Half, 22 percent of more than 1,000 workers polled said theyd gotten into a heated discussion with a coworker during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Fifteen percent of respondents even reported that their productivity had suffered as a result of talking politics at work.These discussions can fray relationships with colleagues. In fact, a 2017 survey about work and well-being by the American Psychologica l Association found that 24 percent of workers avoid coworkers because of their political views.Bottom line Dont mix work (or your job search) with button-pushing politics. Following are some tips on how to deal with political talk. First, well address job landseekers, then employees.Advice for job seekers on all things politicalIf youre looking for a job in todays polarized climate, be mindful of politics even before your interview. Unless youre applying for a job with a politician or an organization with a political affiliation, theres no need to espouse your viewpoints on candidates, campaigns or current affairs. Consider this adviceConduct a digital search of your name. Type your name into a search engine using quotation marks, such as John Smith. Scroll through at least the first three pages of results. If you find anything online that you wouldnt want a hiring manager to see, including potentially controversial or off-putting political statements youve made, do your best to re move them.Consider going private. Do you ever use social media as a place to vent about political matters? You might consider locking down your accounts. With Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you can set your profile to private, where only your approved friends can see your posts.Keep your resume and cover letter apolitical. A typo on a resume is a common red flag. Heres another one Providing too much personal information. Many jobs seekers make the mistake of oversharing. Employers dont need to know about your marital status, religion, hobbies, pet peeves - or your political persuasion. Dont list political affiliations on your resume or share political viewpoints in your cover letter, unless it directly relates to a job youve held or the one youre seeking.Maintain a politics-free zone during your interview. If youre preparing for a job interview and planning to bring up current news stories as a good way to break the ice, dont. Hot political issues in the news are a taboo subject best avoided. Even if you get the strong sense that youre in line with the hiring managers political persuasions, never play political pundit.SEARCH OUR OPEN JOBSAdvice for employees regarding politicsOnce youre in the workplace, you might find political banter is commonplace. But there are downsides to joining in. The conversations can be emotionally charged and divisive. And they can hinder collaboration.So, what are the best ways to manage political conversations at work? Here are four tipsDont debate or lecture on political topics. Obviously, the safest bet is to refrain from talking politics at all. But if you feel you must engage in some political chatter, because everyone in the room is doing it, try to approach it in a lighthearted manner. Limit yourself to general comments or try to change the subject. That reminds me of an episode of House of Cards, could help you move on to discussing favorite TV shows instead of real-life politics.Stand your ground. Dont feel pressured i nto offering your views. You can always politely excuse yourself by saying with a smile, Wow, Im staying out of this one If a group discussion becomes confrontational, reiterate your preference to keep political chit-chat to a minimum while at the office. Sorry, talking politics in the workplace just isnt my thing. Lets get back to work-related matters.Stay focused on your work projects. Pay attention to what you need to accomplish. Dont allow yourself to get sidetracked by others who are obsessed with monitoring the latest political news cycle. If a thorny issue irrelevant to the work at hand comes up in the lunch room or at the water cooler, take it as a cue to head back to your desk or put on headphones.Watch whats said after work, too. Remember that what you say to colleagues outside of work may cause them to form opinions of you. Exercise the same judgment of treading lightly around current events if you want to keep happy hour happy. The same advice applies when exchanging ema il and text messages with coworkers.What happens if you do talk about politics in the workplace and discover youve offended someone? The best etiquette is to apologize quickly and sincerely for any off-putting comments that made someone else uncomfortable.Final word? If you find yourself heading down the path to talking politics in the workplace, make a sharp detour and save your energy.Subscribe to the newsletter to get articles and resources to help you land a new job, succeed in your career, and build and manage a winning team - all sent directly to your inbox.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Getting The Job in Tough Times

Getting The Job in Tough TimesGetting The Job in Tough TimesGetting The Job in Tough TimesLets admit it in these tough times, there are more job applicants than ever before. Today, Im going to share with you four solid tips on how you can stand out from the crowd and win the job away from the competition.To mix it up, Im going in reverse chronological orderFollowing upThe vorstellungsgesprchThe ResumeMaximizing ApplicationsFollowing upTheres a professional applying for a senior-level position here at Ladders right now who has reminded me of the Three Ps of Following Up persistent, polite, and perk up their ears.This candidate drops me an email weekly. She doesnt demand to know when we are making a decision, but just sends an email every week to remind me she is there, and by implication, she is interested. And when she emails me, she always includes a little nugget of information that she has picked up that week something about my industry, or an interesting comparison to abedrngnis her company, or a trend that shes noticed that might impact us.So my recommendations for following up after the interview?Follow up weekly, by phone or by email. But just once per week, and if you dont get a response after five weeks, well, then, the opportunity probably isnt for you.Be polite in your persistence. Theres no need to push for deadlines or decision making. But just let them know youre still interested believe it or not, this will really set you apart. A simple voice mail that says, Hi Ms. Johannsen, this is Sharon, and Im just calling to follow up on our meeting of three weeks ago. As you know, I think this is a really great opportunity for me to contribute to your company, and I will look forward to hearing back from youAnd its even better if you drop in a nugget of info that shows you are a good, proactive employee-to-be.My favorite form of job seeking judo is for you to use the fact that youre job hunting to your advantage. Youre job hunting, theyre not. But as I c an tell you from being the CEO of Ladders, people are very, very interested in the inside scoop on whos hiring and why.So send an email that says Did you know that Competitor X is hiring a new VP focused on direct marketing? I thought that was a pretty interesting indication of where they are headed in this market. Take the fact that youre job hunting and use it to your advantage.The InterviewThe interview is not a chance to go in and have a nice fireside chat with the interviewer over a Diet Coke. Realize it for what it is a sales call. What youre selling is your ability to do the job better than anybody else.So do me a favor. Your next interview, go in, make the polite small talk, and then get right to the point What are the three key things you are hoping to have the part in this position achieve? Even better, ask that question over the phone before you go in for the interview and prepare ahead of time.And then spend your time in the interview showing them that you are the right person to achieve those three key things. Stay focused, no matter what. If your interviewer keeps veering off into your hobbies, or regaling you with tales of the internal politics on their most recent project, please keep bringing the conversation back to those three key things.This is called staying on message. When you watch politicians or movie stars on TV, have you ever noticed they answer a different question from the one asked? It may be frustrating as a viewer, it may be a different answer than the interviewer was expecting, but theres a reason for doing it it is so darn effective.You need each of your interviewers to walk out of that interview room with a very clear sense of how you, the candidate, are going to make the company better in this rough, rough year. Thinking that you are a nice guy or gal simply isnt enough in this environment you need to make sure they have a solid understanding of how you will contribute.So find out the three key factors of success, and connec t your work history and accomplishments to them in the interviewers mind.(For extra credit, the very advanced version of this strategy is to admit that you cant do one of the three things, but that your track record is very clear on your ability to hire and manage the people who can do things that you can not. This shows flexibility and growth potential, which every company is implicitly looking for in these very, very turbulent times. So it might sound like While I havent personally led a.NET application team, I have hired and developed programmers in many, many computer languages everything from COBOL to Cold Fusion to C++. I think the important thing youre looking for isnt the ability to lead a team in any particular language, but what you really want is the capability to lead teams in the ever-changing languages that arise in computer science. So while youre granting the point that you cant do one of the three things, youre actually pointing out that you can do something even m ore complex and useful. This is a deadly effective strategy.)The ResumeHey, weve all seen a ton of commercials on the tube, right? So why do we have an advertising department? Why dont we just shoot the TV commercials ourselves? Well, we leave that to the professionals.And what is a resume? A lot of people view it as a chance to list all the true facts about their work history. But that reminds me of the old joke about HPs very straightforward engineering culture if they had invented sushi they would have named it cold, raw dead fish on rice wrapped in seaweed. Now, thats true, but it is hardly appetizing ??Similarly, your resume is advertising copy. A great resume advertises your accomplishments in a way that makes it clear what youve contributed in the past, and by implication, what you are capable of doing in the future.So its not Managed a group of 40 professionals or Responsible for a $77 mm budget. Those lines are kind of reminiscent of the old HP way true, but not particula rly appetizing. (And before all you HPers write in, let me just say I am very happy with both the performance and the marketing of the modern HP organization)The right way is to point out your capabilities Re-organized department, cutting 15 positions and adding 10 new sales staff to increase profitability by $7 mm (17%) or Created successful task force that identified 103 efficiency opportunities and implemented 92% of them within 6 months, saving $13 mm in annual costs.But its not just what you put in, its what you leave out that really makes a resume. As Jerry Garcia said, its not the notes, its the holes between the notes that make the music.Now I would be crazy to suppose I could teach you how to be a great resume writer in just one newsletter. We have a whole staff of advertising copy writers here at Ladders that are specialized in writing resumes for professionals like you. Use them.Maximizing ApplicationsThe best way for you to maximize the effectiveness of your job applicat ions is to minimize the number of applications you make. Or more succinctly apply for the right jobs, and only the right jobs, for you.Cmon, what would you do if that bundle of joy called your teenager came to you and said Mom, Dad, Im going to apply to 100 colleges this fall?You would say, rightly, Honey, youre just spreading yourself too thin. Why dont you focus on six, or a dozen. At absolute most 20. That way youll be able to apply the time and effort you need to making those applications really great.Well, folks, thats how I feel when I hear people tell me they are applying to several hundred jobs per month For example, last week, one of your fellow subscribers clicked on 799 jobs on Ladders Theres just no way you can put your best foot forward and have the energy and time to follow up with that many jobs.Youre just frustrating yourself.So even though I know its tempting and easy, dont waste your time and your attention on applying to hundreds of jobs. Thats a fools errand, and , unfortunately given this economy, what many of the unsophisticated job seekers are doing. Only apply for the jobs that truly make sense for you. That way youll leave yourself the extra time to really do the important work I outlined above doing great follow up, studying in advance for the interview, and crafting an awesome resume.By the way, one of the advantages of our system here at Ladders is its exclusivity. While job postings on the major job boards get literallyhundreds of applications, the typical job posting here at Ladders receives just 21. The screening that we do charging a cover charge, reviewing every single resume, asking people to apply for jobs primarily in their functional Ladder (sales, marketing, operations, technology, HR, law, finance, etc.) really does help cut down on the noise for the recruiter or hiring manager. And that means you have a much, much better chance of standing out.OK, folks, thats what Ive learned about the job hunt in my decade in this bus iness, and what I wanted to share with you this Monday morning.Good luck with the search this week, and please make your luck by following these tips to get the most of your scarce job hunting time.I am rooting for you

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Serena Williams Winning a Grand Slam while pregnant wasnt easy

Serena Williams Winning a Grand Slam while pregnant welchesnt easySerena Williams Winning a Grand Slam while pregnant wasnt easySerena Williams is the no. 1 ranked female tennis player and probably the worlds best living athlete.And she won herbei 23rd Grand Slam singles title at the Australian Open while pregnant.We didnt know that before. At a Vancouver TED Conference on Tuesday, Williams told the audienceshe did not know she was pregnant until two days before the turnament. When she found out, she became nervous. Williams said she wasnt sure what to do. Can I play? I know its very dangerous in the first 12 weeks or so, so I had a lot of questions.But she was determined to not let the worry distract her from trying to win the tournament. She told no one.It wasnt very easy. You hear all these stories about people when theyre pregnant - they get sick, they get really tired, really stressed out I had to really take all that energy and put it in a paper bag, so to say, and throw it aw ay, Williamssaid.Even the most powerful woman in sports recognizes the pressures of working while pregnant. But to win a championship, she knew she had to persist, no matter what condition she was in.Every tournament where I show up, Im expected to win. If I dont win, its actually bigger news.Howto accommodate pregnant workersBy speaking publicly about the difficultiesof working while pregnant, Williams is raising awareness aboutan experience that is not being openly discussed enough pregnancy can be hard.82%of working womenwill continue to work through their pregnancy up until one month of the birth, but the nausea and common side effects of pregnancy too often getminimized. No one wants to come off as less productive to their employers. But that means not asking your boss for help when you most need it.Miscarriages are even harder to understand for manyPregnant workers are minimized by our society thatdoesnt respect the experience as difficult. Women often dont even tell their fri ends, let alone their co-workers, about their early pregnancies out of fear that to do so, may jinx themselvesif the pregnancy becomes a miscarriage.And miscarriages are even less understood at work than pregnancy, surveys have shown while miscarriages are a huge loss and require grieving, many people dont understand how hard they are, or may be at a loss for what to say.Andrew Horn explained why he and his famous partner Miki Agrawal chose to go against this advice and tell people when she was only four weeks into her pregnancy to reduce the shame around the possibility of a miscarriage.Horn said that our culture doesnt allow for an open dialogue around miscarriage and it leads to isolation and a unfair shame being placed on women.Pregnancy is physically difficultOther women are going forward about their experiences. Avra Siegel, the Director of Public Policy and Strategic Partnerships at Care.com., decided to reveal the brutal truth about being a pregnant worker for Fortune. Spoil er its pretty awful.She explained how she would arrange meetings around her daily nausea during her pregnancy. Other physical effects of pregnancy back pain, swollen feet, and a general tiredness. Coworkers may not understand how physically taxing it can be, especially if the mother-to-be seems highly active or is trying to hide the impact. (Of course, for some women, pregnancy is a cinch - it depends on the woman and her health.)How to help pregnant employees work betterSiegel suggested that easy, low-cost fixes to workplaces could include flexible work arrangements such as teleworking, flexible start-stop times, and even the new rage of nap-rooms.Above all, Siegelsaid maintaining open communication with her higher-ups fostered a culture of trust that could help women beyond her each and every time you tell your manager how you are feeling, you empower other women to do the same. This single action gives confidence and credence to those around you and helps to change the workplace culture from the ground up.Thats the power we all gain each time a powerful woman like Williams comes forward and reveals the human behind the superwoman we publicly see to reduce the stigma around pregnancy as something that could hold you back at work.As Williams proved, you can still achieve on the most scrutinized of stages while pregnant.I definitely plan on coming back - Im not done yet,Williams said about her plans to continue playing tennis after motherhood. She expects that next year her babys going to be in the stands and hopefully cheering for me.