Friday, May 29, 2020

5 Traditions to Keep You Together

5 Traditions to Keep You Together Tis the season for traditions and to start some new traditions. I once took the reins of an HR Leader job where my predecessor banned all Christmas trees. She did not believe in Christmas, which is totally cool with me, but pissed off 98% (about 790 people) of our workforce with her beliefs. Every employee engagement survey for the next three years slammed our leadership team for that move. Kinda funny if you think about it. Traditions are the glue that keeps people together. We all have busy lives and are too cool to participate in them, but doing a small thing here or there can make all the difference in strengthening your company culture. Don’t be discouraged if you work at a lame place with ego maniacs and corporate climbers. You can start traditions any time, any place and new traditions will make a positive impact on your office regardless of how lame you or they are.  Here are 5 ideas to get you thinking: 1) Look around your office What are you already doing? Do people love coffee or tea? Bring some above average coffee to the office and share it OR leave the office for coffee. I used to work for Joe Cranky Pants in Ohio who also ignored the smoking ban in the workplace. His tradition was to take our team to the only smoking restaurant left in Ohio for an annual holiday lunch. After lunch, Joe drank coffee and smoked for an hour. So did we. The coffee part that is. Doesn’t sound like much, but he was an A$$ and it meant a lot to him. We liked it too. It was tradition. 2) Do something formal each day Find a quote and share it each day. Take turns and ask other people to do it too. Explain why you chose the quote. In one of my former HR jobs, my senior engineering director did that. It was quick, simple and cool. No matter your mood, it felt nice to read a good quote. He made it a tradition. 3) Do something specific Find a specific place or thing that only your office, circle, department or group does each year. Go to the same restaurant or bar or ice cream shop. Go to a specific spot, that only your crowd goes to. This will make it tradition. In my current life, we go to the same cool Italian place for lunch in St. Louis during the holidays. Hope to do it this year too. Its tradition. 4) And different Use your personal on-line brand or company brand to market your product/service for the holidays. Use social media to target that audience. Tune down the sales pitch. Keep your message festive, light and personal. Send very personalized messages to people who have made a difference in your life or business. Dont sell though. People hate that. I know I do. 5) Massage your talent pool Not a physical massage though. That would be weird. No reallytext, email, call, tweet, ping, send smoke signals, fax or whatever to 10 of your top candidates. Just let them know you are thinking of them, regardless if you have an opening. This will give you a head start for next year. The new year will be here fast and one of your clients will want 7 All Stars hired in 2 weeks. ButBen, I am not a recruiter so this doesnt apply to me. Umm. Yes it does. Turn the table and call people who might have some influence over your career. Just call and say thanks. What are some of your traditions? Are you going to keep some, start some, or kill some? As for Christmas treesask yourself if its worth it before you take down or put up that tree. The effort might not be worth the return Image: Shutterstock

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Learn public speaking thats based in authenticity (and I just took this workshop myself)

Learn public speaking thats based in authenticity (and I just took this workshop myself) I just spent two days at TAI Resources getting speaking coaching. I was pissy about it the whole week before. I decided I didnt have time to go. I mean, two full days away from the kids costs about ten thousand dollars when you add up the babysitter and the Happy Meals and the ten trips to Target for toys. I told myself that I should be doing book events, not going to coaching sessions. I told myself that there is no way I could learn enough to justify two days of not answering the onslaught of email I get from my blog. But every day I would see the cancel TAI on my to do list, and I didnt cancel. You can learn a lot about yourself by looking at the stuff you dont do on your to do list. Deep down I know that if I want to have a life where my job is to connect with people then I have to devote time to learning to be a good at genuinely connecting with people. I need to make room in my schedule for my big-picture goals. And TAI teaches people to connect. So I went. When I got there at 8:30 am the first day, I had residual pissiness. And I stayed at my moms apartment in New York City the night before. I used to be the type of person who could not get along with my mom long enough to spend the night at her apartment. But I decided I was too old for that, and now we get along. The price I pay is that I didnt tell her no when she made us a big breakfast even though I said I didnt have time. So I was late for day one of my training. There were eight of us. We sat in a front row of chairs. Behind us was the professional peanut gallery of people who critique speeches. Gifford, the facilitator, told us to write for ten minutes describing our best speaking experience. If you finish early, just keep writing, he said. Just write anything. I was relieved. Great. I wrote for about six seconds about my best speaking experience and then I wrote stream of consciousness. A writers dream. I dont know how I could be so dense, but I didnt realize that wed have to use what we wrote as a speech. At first I thought I could quickly rewrite something before it was my turn to speak. But I was totally captivated by Gifford helping the speakers before me. Each person who spoke was a little bit terrible, to be honest. I mean, we are talking about stuff that is not that interesting, and we dont really even know who each other is. But Gifford found a way to make a small change in each person that totally transformed them into an engaging speaker. So it was fascinating to watch this happen. He changed one persons tone of voice by having him do ape calls to the audience. He changed someones body language by having him hold his hands behind his back. He changed someones eye contact by having him play catch with the audience while he spoke. Youd think each of these things would make a person look insane, but Gifford knew the perfect thing for someone to do to learn a new skill about connecting. When it was my turn, I had nothing to do but read what I wrote. I described my favorite speaking experience: My stepmothers funeral. (I know, funeral. I know. But let me tell you something, I really captivated the mourners.) Then I stopped. Gifford said, Did you write any more? He has me read it, of course. So I stood there in front of the room reading my stream-of-consciousness stuff about how I dont want to be in the room and I hate group activities and I wish I were blogging. And this is what Gifford did. In a matter of minutes he showed me how to take my speech about how I dont want to be learning to give a speech, and make it engaging. He showed me how if I admit to my feelings and say them honestly, and with integrity, people will actually like hearing the speech. All this in the first hour of a two-day training course. We spent a lot of those two days learning to land. Everyone in the room knew that we were supposed to look at the audience when we talk. But there are so many different ways to look at an audience. Most people look without connecting. They dont actually talk with a person because landing your eyes on someone and really talking to them is really, really hard. And the amazing thing is that youd think that if you are talking with just one person then the rest of the audience feels left out. But in fact, the audience feels more connected to you if you are connecting with someone anyone in the audience. One of the most valuable things about this coaching is that you understand what people do as an audience member so that you are better able to read an audience. My favorite part of the class is that the room was full of people who are high up in their organizations and respected by their peers, yet here they are doing things that are very difficult like, giving a speech about an essentially boring topic and trying to make it meaningful by connecting with people. Everyone looks awkward learning something new. I liked that part about all of us becoming vulnerable together. I am a much better speaker from this course. And, because the course focuses on authentic communication, I am better at talking with people one on one, too; I notice more often the times that I am talking with someone but not totally engaged. But theres one more thing I learned from this experience. We need to make time in our life for coaching. Mentoring is one of the big differentiators between the people who get what they want and the people who dont. And coaching is mentoring on steroids very specialized and very effective. This is why I have the Coachology feature on my blog, because coaching has made such a huge impact on my life, and I want to share it with you. It makes a huge difference. And even yours truly, Coachology girl, almost didnt make time for the coaching. So focus on the big picture goals in your life, and get coaching to meet them faster and better than you could do on your own.

Friday, May 22, 2020

6 Tips for a Successful Job Search For College Graduates

6 Tips for a Successful Job Search For College Graduates When it comes to landing a job, we’ve all heard that networking  is the best way to find a new job and  it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.   With all of the added resources that the Internet provides, it is now even  easier to connect with people who may be able to point you toward your dream job. But, knowing how to promote yourself well and approach the right people, is key. 6 Tips on How to Job Search For College Graduates 1. Create an online presence: Creating a presence for yourself online is vital for your career growth, or finding a new position. Online profiles give you a place to showcase your experience and help you connect with others who work in the same industry to help you find a new job or move into a better position at your same company. 2. Be consistent: Be certain that dates, job titles, and companies on your resume and your LinkedIn or Facebook profiles match up. It is a red flag for  recruiters if they find  dates and companies change in each place and it  will open you up to much greater scrutiny. It is fine, even advisable, to present your duties in the best possible light, just be meticulous with dates and titles. 3. Google Yourself: Simply put your name into a Google search and see what employers can find out about your life.   It can show them your tweets, blogs, instant messages, photos and posts you make on any of your social networking sites. Try to keep your information private  if you dont want recruiters to see it. 4. Be careful what you post: Employers are increasingly utilizing  Facebook and Twitter  to find out more about potential employees. Posting information about your current company, whether good or bad, is frowned upon by most hiring managers. No matter how frustrated you might be at your current job, do not  tweet about what an idiot your boss is, or how much you hate your job. Not only will new employers frown on this, it could cost you your  the current job. Also, do not post on social media sites from work and make sure that you have updated your  Facebook privacy settings. [Related Post:  How to Job Search With Social Media] 5. Always be ready: Be sure that you build a network well before you might need it by making connections in your career field, following experts in your field, and interacting with these folks on a regular basis. Join Groups on Facebook and LinkedIn and join discussions so that people get to know you and appreciate your expertise in certain areas. Always be proactive and stay engaged in the conversations. If you decide it’s time to move on, or  lose your job,  you will have a wide network that can help point you in the right direction. 6. Build your Reputation: Networking works best for everyone when people are willing to help others. In other words, you have to be able to give in order to get assistance. Reach out to others and connect with them and always give assistance when you can. Write a recommendation for  someone on LinkedIn, introduce them to someone in your network that might be able to help, or share some news or tips with them. Paying it forward really does work- these same people will be happy to help you when you need it in the future [Related Post:  5 Ways to Improve Your Online Reputation] I hope that these tips on how to job search for college graduates will help you to build a good online presence, and help you to stay out of networking trouble. Pay it forward and reap the benefits when you need them! This guest post was written by Denise Gabbard, a former Executive Recruiter. She changed careers three years ago and now works with businesses to enhance their presence online.   Photo credit: Anitah

Monday, May 18, 2020

5 Reasons to Start a Blog Today

5 Reasons to Start a Blog Today The following is a guest post by Robert Abramson.  His bio follows. Did you know that two new blogs appear   in the world every second? It is not a secret that blogging has become a popular practice in recent years. The number of blog posts being posted on WordPress alone is astonishing: a massive 59 million posts every month! This trend has left many people wondering what blogging is all about and why it fascinates people that much. A Blog, also called Weblog, can be defined as a website that presents personal opinions in a chronological manner. It is an online diary of sorts, and many people blog as a full-time career.    Here are five reasons you should also start a blog today. Connect With New People Blogging is the best way of connecting with like-minded people. Are you enthusiastic about gardening, motorsports,   or eating exotic foods? You will be surprised how a blog in your area of interest will attract many people. You can have a “comments” section where you can interact with your audience. It is also possible to connect through social media and direct mail. If this is a compelling reason for you, perhaps you need to note a few tricks of ensuring people keep coming back to your blog. Be consistent Offer valuable blog posts Be unique Give readers a reason to come back every time Invite people back, albeit creatively Enhance Your Knowledge And Skills No matter how many writing classes you take, you will never become an accomplished writer if you do not actually write something from scratch. Even for skills such as IT and public speaking, blogging provides the perfect platform for personal development. The goodness of blogging is that you can cover anything and become an expert in the process. You will be researching constantly, so that you can give your audience something new every time. In addition, a blogger will eventually hone his or her abilities in communication, marketing, writing and debating among others. Help People This world is full of many problems and the issues that some people face can be disheartening. Perhaps you are an empathetic type of person,   and you would like to help. Blogging offers you a perfect opportunity to talk to people. Some people are on 9-to-5 jobs, but they wish they could quit immediately. Others are grappling with poor financial habits. Your simple tips could be all someone needs to make a turnaround. Have Fun Most bloggers are handling what they like most and enjoying it. The reason for this is that as a blogger, you have the steering wheel. For some people, this level of control is exciting enough. When you add to it all the interactions and new experiences, it becomes irresistible. Earning from an activity that you love is easily the best experience in these financially challenging times. Earn An Income This one had to be here. Making money through blogs has been a popular topic for many years now. It is not easy work, but you can do it. People are making decent income from blogs, so it is a nice idea to find out how to monetize a blog. Some ways of making money include membership content, ad networks, affiliate programs and product sales. Final Thoughts Are you considering starting a blog? Hundreds of people already opened theirs as you were reading this.   If you were uncertain about the benefits of a blog, now you have a few reasons to become a blogger. It is easy and cost effective.   You do not even have to be an expert or the best writer. Let us know what drove you to start a blog in the comments! Author Bio: Robert Abramson is a social media marketer with experience on all of today’s top platforms. He specializes in understanding how sites like Facebook and Twitter can be used to better understand customers and maximize results from marketing efforts.     Social media is the future of marketing, and Robert is at the forefront of today’s top innovations and shifts in marketing trends.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Resume and LinkedIn Templates

Resume and LinkedIn TemplatesThere are plenty of sites that offer job seekers an opportunity to build their resumes and LinkedIn profiles. Although some sites can be great, there are many sites that are not that helpful when it comes to creating a professional looking resume and LinkedIn profile. Most of the time, these sites will simply put in a resume template that you can choose from, but the information is not going to be in any format that is easy to read. This is where resume and LinkedIn templates come into play.Resume templates are easy to use. They can be designed for the personal, professional, or even technical resume. A resume template is going to be easy to use and most importantly is going to be effective. There are going to be all kinds of templates on the internet. Some people feel that they do not work as well as a professional template would and it will take them more time to look through all of the available resume templates.With the help of a professional, it does not have to be difficult to create your own custom resume. The professionals will be able to build you a resume that fits your needs with your employer. They will be able to put in the information in a way that is going to make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Resume templates make it very easy to find what you need when you are looking for it.There are some professional resume templates that can be found online. These professional resume templates are going to be professional looking and most of them will be very easy to read. The best thing about these professional resume templates is that they will be easy to use. The layout is going to be very simple and straightforward.The professional resume templates will be able to help you find the information that you need to build a resume that is designed for you. This means that you can use the professional templates that are available on the internet. Most of the times, they will be easy to use and have the information that y ou need to build a professional looking resume.The best thing about the resume and LinkedIn templates is that they will be available to you for free. The best thing about these templates is that they are going to be effective at helping you with your job search. This means that you can use these templates for your resume as well as your LinkedIn profile.The information that you are looking for when you are going through your job search can be found easily with the help of a professional resume and LinkedIn template. There are going to be all kinds of templates available on the internet. Some of them will be created by professional experts, while others will be created by people that are trying to get rich by selling these templates. It is important to know that the majority of the templates will be useful and they will provide you with the information that you need.As you can see, the best way to get the information that you need when you are looking for a new job is to use resume a nd linkedin templates. If you are looking for a new job, you can use these templates as your basis for building a better resume.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Top Tips for Hiring Managers and Recruiters

Top Tips for Hiring Managers and Recruiters Whether youre a recruiter or a hiring manager (or youre checking out what recruiters and hiring managers are thinking when youre starting your next job search), finding the right candidate for an opportunity can be challenging at best.  And reading between the lines on resumes, getting the most from interviews, and closing the deal all have their challenges. So to help you through this process Ive pulled some of the top blog posts that relate to this subject to help you handle your most challenging issues and get the hire done. Spark Hire First off lets go to  Spark Hire  a source of video interviewing solutions. Why Retention is the Key to Successful Recruitment Strategy in 2016 60 percent of candidates take into account an employer’s reputation when applying for jobs and 68 percent of job seekers will accept a lower salary for a company that makes a great impression three in five Americans would rather spend a night in jail than go without benefits like health insurance, 401(k), and paid time off top three reasons people change jobs are a lack of opportunities for advancement and dissatisfaction with the company culture and leadership 8 Candidate Questions You Need to Be Prepared to Answer For recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates heres eight questions that are on everyones mind these days.  Be prepared to ask or answer these. How to Get Honest Answers From Candidates in a Job Interview This is an area that many hiring managers struggle with.  Being that they arent interviewing experts or HR professionals, getting an honest answer can be tough.  Finding out in the first 90 days that the candidate isnt what they respresented is more painful. Asking the unexpected: The Magic Wand (“if you had a magic wand could improve 3 things about your current job) â€" the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior! The Fly on the Wall (“tell me about a time when you handled a situation at your job poorly) â€" a subtle way to dig deeper into the candidate’s working style and leads you to focusing your time and energy on qualified candidates The Most Difficult Experience (tell me about the most difficult experience you ever handled on the job) â€" probes for problem-solving and interpersonal skills The Recruiting Reel Episode 3: Tips for First-Time Recruiters New to the recruiting business?  Check out the ideas in this post.  A couple high points are: There is a secret formula about success in recruitmentlots of appropriate activity. And Never ever mess with your reputation. How To Tell If A Candidate Isnt Interested Want to know when to cut things short?  Like a first date that isnt going well, knowing when to wrap up the interview or move past a candidate will save your energy and time for candidates who are a better fit. if your candidate’s questions stop after asking details in the pay and benefits, then this is a red flag. Recruiter drives top talent to companies that want to hire them. Their Job Market distributes open jobs from employers to the largest network of recruiters on the planet. Their centralized platform serves as a single point of contact for job seekers, recruiters and hiring managers. 5 Traits to Look For When Hiring Remote Workers These days there are more remote workers and remote contractors that are required to get the job done.  Much of this is due to the specialized nature of the tasks at hand and the technology now available to make remote working a viable option for companies. We look for people that are self-starters/have a high degree of independence, value continuous learning, and are receptive to feedback Previous work-at-home experience is a plus, especially if they’ve done it for a long time Undercover Recruiter Undercover Recruiter    Undercover Recruiter is the #1 recruitment and career blog in the world. The 8 Things No Recruiter (Ever) Wants to See On Your Resume 10 Awesome Interview Tips From Actual Hiring Managers Preparing for, performing in, and handling the post-interview process is critical to both a recruiter or hiring managers effectiveness and the same with candidates.  Check out some useful tips here. More than one in five hiring managers surveyed by CareerBuilder  say they are less likely to hire a candidate who didn’t send a thank-you note. â€" Career Builder I think every recruiter on the planet wants to give their candidates a first-class experience, but we have limited resources. If you’re too aggressive or unpolished during the interview process, companies will think, ‘Wow, this person is going to be really high maintenance if we do hire them. Pass!’” â€" Brazen The Small Business Guide to Recruiting and Hiring 69 percent of recruiters have had to increase salary offers due to negotiations More than half of recruiters say lack of qualified talent is their biggest obstacle 78 percent of recruiters find their best candidates from referrals Attract the Top Talent: Tips for Hiring Millennials in 2016 If your hiring process isnt yet accounting for the Millennial workforce you need to get on board.  Despite the bad rap, Millennials are an ever-growing and highly talented hiring pool you dont want to ignore.  Heres how to get more from your Millennial hire opportunities. Millennial workers are some of the most multi-talented employees. While a candidate may have majored in engineering, he may have also taught himself HTML and CSS, have a side hustle doing graphic design and run his own industry blog. Brazen Brazen.  Everyone deserves a job they love. 3 Things Candidates Care About More Than Money What are candidates looking for these days? According to CareerBuilder, one in five employees plan to change jobs in 2016 65% of workers ranked “job stability” as the most important factor when choosing a new job. Glassdoor found that 96% of job seekers say that it’s important to work for a transparent company Whether youre new to this recruiting, interviewing, hiring process or a grizzled veteran, the field is constantly evolving.  You need to continue to bring your A Game just as the candidates need to  evolve themselves too. Now go make that next hire happen!  Like what you see?  Please share and like on your social networks. Additional Resources You Might Like How Recruiters ThinkWhy Your Phone Isnt RingingAnd Why It Might Not Be You [How to Get That Job] Insider Secrets to Candidate Selection Do Millennials Know the Secret? Ultimate Productivity Tips List: 74 Impactful Ways to Get the Most from Your Day

Friday, May 8, 2020

Struggling to Earn or Charge What You Deserve Heres Why and What To Do - Kathy Caprino

Struggling to Earn or Charge What You Deserve Heres Why and What To Do I speak with coaches, consultants, service providers, and small business owners (and corporate employees) every day who do great work, and offer high-quality products, services, and programs that are a cut above, but are failing to make any money.   In studying this phenomenon, and living through it myself when I started out as a coach, Ive seen that there are numerous critical factors behind a failure to generate sufficient revenue, but it’s usually not what we think.   Often, our subconscious blocks and mindsets are the culprits holding us back. For example, I see service providers by the hundreds staying stuck in a cycle of undercharging for their work. They won’t budge out this trap, no matter how many people tell them that they’re not charging enough (even their own paying clients). I met someone Thursday night, in fact, with this same issue, far undercharging, and her rates were damaging her credibility and attracting clients who simply couldnt pay anything. I remember hearing Nell Merlino, Founder of Count Me In For Women’s Economic Independence and the Make Mine a Million $ Business Program (through which I was honored to win, with several others, the “Micro to Millions” 2008 award in CT), speak at a More Magazine Reinvention Convention in NYC, and she rocked me with this message:  â€œIf you’re making $50,000 or less in your business, it’s not a business, it’s a job, and it’s not a good job either.” I was making around that at the time in my new coaching practice, and I was truly offended and angered at those words.   But I’ve come to see the validity in that message (and I realize that I was in denial about money at the time).   If you were working for someone else, and had to toil for 18 hours a day to make ends meet and still generated less than $50,000, you’d say something would have to change, right? Below are the top four excuses I hear people give for not charging what they deserve.   I used all of these excuses myself, before I figured it out: 1.  â€œI’m having so much trouble having people hire me as is.   It would never work at a higher price/rate.” 2.  â€œI’m not really sure what my work is worth, and what it could command.” 3.  â€œI’m scared to raise my prices â€" where will I find customers who can pay that?” 4.  â€œTimes are bad â€" I don’t want to contribute to people’s challenges by making it hard for them to pay me. I want to help people.” But underneath all this, I’ve observed deeper reasons for a reluctance to charge and earn more.   These reasons are: A deep insecurity about the value you’re bringing Folks who chronically undercharge or fail to earn what they deserve also tend to work very long hours each day (18+), and don’t stop.   That drive to keep working without stop often stems from a lack of confidence and self-worth that what you deliver is really good enough.   I’ve seen scores of coaches and therapists go over their one-hour session time habitually, giving more and more time for free. The reason? Deep down, they’re afraid they’re not good enough, or powerful enough to help the client in the time allotted. A lack of understanding the key outcomes you deliver Another reason why people don’t earn what they deserve is that they haven’t taken the time or effort to measure, quantify or identify clearly the key outcomes that they offer. They also don’t know how they stand apart from their competition. What you offer IS different from your competitors, but do you know how, exactly? Do you know what you bring to the table that your top 30 competitors don’t, and can’t?   If you know your competitive advantage, are you marketing, communicating and promoting it wherever you go? A failure to realize that prices that are too low also attract problem clients and customers Your prices reflect your value, expertise, know-how and your status in your field. If you undercharge, what message do you think that gives prospective customers? Do you want to attract only customers who will pay bottom dollar? Thinking you’ll get more great clients and customers this way, you’re missing a critical point â€" people who underpay also tend to make you crazy in the process of working with them. They nickel and dime you, second-guess you, and refuse to honor, respect or value your boundaries and great experience and expertise (in part because you’re not honoring those yourself). Mistaking pricing as the most important driver in their business People who undercharge tend to think that their low pricing is what brings in a lot of customers, and often neglect critical aspects like digital marketing, promotion, social media engagement, publicity, events, thought leadership, networking, affiliate and referral partners, and more. They also dont understand these critical principles: 1) If you start operating differently in your business and work today, your current underpaying client pool will no longer represent what youre capable of attracting (ideal, higher-paying clients) 2) People pay not only for the outcomes you deliver but for the experience you give them in working together.   What experiences aesthetic, emotional and functional do you offer that change peoples lives for the better? 3)   Finally, word of mouth is one great strategy to build your business, but its not nearly enough. When you rely solely on word of mouth, youll continue to attract only the same level of customers/clients you have now, and you wont expand beyond that. In other words, youll continue to play in the wrong room. Vagueness about the numbers You need to have a tight handle on how and where the money is coming in and going out. So many small business owners and other professionals have someone else overseeing the finances, so they’re clueless about the financial drivers, the cost of doing business and what they’re truly earning. Don’t make that mistake. Take control of your finances and your key business measures and metrics, and understand the financial picture intimately so you can improve it. What to do differently? Take these six steps: 1. Know how you work Identify the process of how you work and what you bring to the table, along with the special outcomes it delivers.   Do an exhaustive competitive analysis and figure how you’re different, and better, than the competition. If you find you’re not better in some key way than the competition, take some steps to power up your offerings and become stronger and more effective in what you do. 2.   Dont stop yourself from reaching farther Stop relying on word of mouth as the only way to generate business. Start marketing and promoting your business in ways that will exponentially expand your circle of influence. (Yes, you can do this, and it doesn’t have to break the bank.) 3.   Get over your blocks and fears Overcome your own personal blocks to attracting and earning great money.   Check out these powerful books â€"  Tapping Into Wealth, The Big Leap, and The Energy of Money   to revise your relationship with money and become more excited about earning what you deserve, and speaking up and standing up for that. 4.  Develop stronger boundaries. Start saying “no” to outlandish requests for your time and effort.   Know what your time is worth, and command respect for that. If you dont do it for yourself, no one else will. 5.   Get some help to build to and strengthen your business.   Find a way to get some financial, accounting, business development, and marketing help.   Take a Quickbooks class to learn how to manage your financial picture. Read the great book The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber, and The Pumpkin Plan by Mike Michalowicz. Also identify how you can delegate more (to an intern, a virtual assistant, etc.), and focus more time on what you do fantastically. Leave the rest of the work to those who can support you well doing work they’re great at. 6.  Charge 20% more starting today Just do it.   Then figure out what the right number is within the next few months, and charge that. You can transition your existing clients to your higher fees in a more gradual way, but new customers and clients need to pay you more, starting now. In the end, if you’re not charging enough, there’s something holding you back from believing in what you deliver, strengthening your work or business, and asking for what you deserve. Usually, these blocks emerge from fears and messages we learned in our childhoods, about our own self-worth and power, and about money, wealth, prosperity, and the energy of money. Take a step today towards overcoming these blocks.   Your business will grow when you do, and you’ll finally be able to love your work rather than drown in it. To build a prosperous, rewarding career you love, join me in my Amazing Career Project course. Coaches, join me in my Amazing Career Coach Certification Training this year!